Royal Norfolk Show 2016 – East Anglian Air Ambulance

After helping support the Norfolk East Anglian Air Ambulance at last year’s Royal Norfolk Show, I was delighted to be invited back again for 2016. The Air Ambulance fills a vital role in our front-line emergency medical services and yet is a charity, fully reliant on the public’s support and generosity to keep flying.

For the EAAA , the Show is a fantastic way for them to help raise awareness of what they do and just how vital charitable donations are for their continued operation. I don’t tend to undertake a vast amount of charitable photographic work in a typical year due to a lack of available time but am always happy to help support the Norfolk team whenever I can.  It’s also an excuse to wander around the Show for a day with a camera or two – fantastic!

As it was, the show started off as a lovely sunny day with a slight hint of cloud going on…


I don’t know how the EAAA find their fundraiser team but I wish whatever magic they use to do so could be bottled and shared. Everyone is so passionate & genuinely happy – despite the rain suddenly arriving mid-afternoon!!


In between visits to the EAAA stand, I took a look around the show – way too many photos to include here but thought I’d add a few highlights!NorfolkShow2016_1NorfolkShow2016_2

Always fantastic to see traditional crafts & trades in action – with some incredibly talented individuals very much doing their thing: NorfolkShow2016_3

Unfortunately as the day progressed the weather had other ideas… with the gorgeous morning sun soon being replaced by dark clouds and a seemingly typical “Great British Summer Day”. Cue torrential downpours, persistent rain and lots of mud. Umbrellas & rain coats at the ready! NorfolkShow2016_4

If there’s one thing for sure about the Show, you never know what or who you’re going to see…. NorfolkShow2016_5NorfolkShow2016_6

A quick hello to the lovely Dinosaur Park and our friends over at Bus & Us! Anyone fancy hiring a lovely double decker for their Norfolk Wedding and hiring me to capture it…? Please…? NorfolkShow2016_7

All in all, a fun day was definitely had by all… Roll on 2017!

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